Anyone for a Wine Story?
Trailer credits: Mojca Mavec, Simon J. Woolf, Douglas Wregg, Carla Capalbo, John Wurdeman, Iago Bitarishvili, Zaliko Bodjadze, Valter Kramar, Isabelle Legeron, Dario Prinčič, Joško Gravner, Saša Radikon, Valter Mlečnik, Aleš Kristančič, Vasja Čotar, Joško Renčel, Joe Warwick, Sylvie Augereau, Andrea Petrini, Red Line Production

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Dear wine-lover,
meet Amber!
Call It Amber is an immersive documentary that takes theviewer on a journey back to the origins of amber wine – anancient style that has suddenly experienced a resurgence inthe last decade.
Combining footage from specialist winefairs, pioneering wine producers and interviews withexperts in the field, we build up a picture ofthis uniqueand fascinating wine style. Where did it come from, why is it so importantfor winemakers in Europe and beyond,who’s drinking it and what does the future hold for thiscurious beverage – whether you choose to call it skincontact, orange or Call it Amber!
What is skin contact, orange or amber wine?

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